STOPPER SCREW 23-covered (22.3-25.4 mm)
Typ 2-dækket

artikelnummer 046320


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Boltet lukning af forskallingens fastspændingspunkter - maksimal sikkerhed med et enestående udseende

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611 - Stopper Screw + Zubehör
toldtariffens nummer:
salgsmængde enhed:
100 Stk
vægt pr.:
Spand = 4.5 kg
Skrue / møtrik / trykskive: rustfrit stål V2A
Gummitætning: Termoplastisk elastomer
Klo: Polyoxymethylen
Skrue: sølvfarvet
Møtrik: sølvfarvet
Trykskive: sølvfarvet
Forseglingsgummi: sort
Kløe: grøn
Indvendig diameter på fastspændingspunkt:

22,3 bis 25,4 mm

Ø trykskive:

32 mm

Samlet længde:

75 mm

Indeholder stoffer på SVHC-listen eller forholdsmæssig vægt ≥0,1%.:


Produktet er i overensstemmelse med REACH:


5 bar i koniske ankerhuller
Opbevares i ubeskadiget og uåbnet originalemballage på et tørt sted væk fra direkte sollys.
Kan bortskaffes på lossepladser eller forbrændingsanlæg i overensstemmelse med lokale regler for bortskaffelse af affald.

Scope of delivery

The STOPPER SCREW type covered is delivered ready for installation in a plastic bucket (100 pcs.). Each bucket contains 4 bits, which are attached to the inside of the lid. (Type 6: 50 pcs. and 2 bits)

Installation tools
For installation you need:

- Cleaning brush
- Cordless screwdriver
- Hammer for driving in and positioning
- Torque control tool

Preparation of tie point

Clean the inside of the tie point. Remove loose particles and dust before installation of STOPPER SCREW type covered .

1.  Insertion

Insert the STOPPER SCREW type covered into the clean tie point to be sealed. To do this, position the claw of STOPPER SCREW type covered in such a way that all 4 claw ends are inside the clearance of the tie point. With a hammer blow onto the pressure plate the claw of STOPPER SCREW type covered slips into the tie point and centres itself.


2. Positioning

Push or hammer the STOPPER SCREW type covered  completely into the tie point.

3. Tightening

Tighten the screw of STOPPER SCREW type covered with a cordless screwdriver. Use speed class 1.

Then tighten the screw of the STOPPER SCREW type covered with the torque wrench to a torque of 4Nm (5Nm for conical anchor holes).
With our STOPPER SCREW torque set, this step can be done more easily.

STOPPER SCREW type covered mounted in tie point with cone.

Status: 14.12.2022

STOPPER SCREW COVERED in lip in-situ concrete

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STOPPER SCREW COVERED in cone in-situ concrete

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