MASTER-RING Rørtætninger Ø 250 mm
til medierør Ø 135-144 mm

artikelnummer 120195

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440 - RRD
toldtariffens nummer:
salgsmængde enhed:
1 Stk
vægt pr.:
pc = 2.9 kg

Tætningselement: Miljøvenlig EPDM-gummi
Tætningsbredde: 40 mm

Trykplader, skruer, møtrikker: V2A

Gummielement: sort Trykplader: sølvfarvede


Bredde på tværs af fladerne:

13 mm

maks. drejningsmoment:

10 Nm (dimensionsstabile medierør)

termisk anvendelsesområde:
ca. -30° C til 120° C
op til 3,0 bar (uden positionsindikator) op til 5,0 bar (med positionsindikator, på stedet)
Opbevares på et tørt sted væk fra direkte sollys
Kan bortskaffes på husholdningsaffaldssteder i overensstemmelse med lokale regler for bortskaffelse af affald

Supply takes place completely ready to be installed.
The MASTER-RING gasket insert consists of two pressure plates, a rubber part and the appropriate screws and nuts.
The pressure plates, the screws and the nuts are made of V2A stainless steel.

Before installation the MASTER-RING gasket insert, the inside of the core drill hole and the outside of the gas, water, sewage pipes as well as the cables have to be cleaned.

When installing a MASTER-RING gasket insert in a core drill hole the inside of the core drill hole has to be preserved with an epoxy resin ( PROTECT EP resin).
The preservation serves to obtain a smooth surface and secondly as protection of the cut reinforcement steels against corrosion.

Insert the MASTER-RING gasket insert into the lining pipe or the perserved core drill hole and push the pipe/cable through.
The MASTER-RING gasket insert must be installed as close as possible to the outside of the wall ( earth-side, water-side).
Take care that the nuts can be controlled and retightened later.
The nuts have to be placed on the air-side.

Tighten the screws crosswise through one turn.
Repeat this process until all screws are tightened to the specified max. torque.
This procedure guarantees uniform pressing out of the rubber against the inside of the lining pipe / core drill hole.
Check the torque after 1-2 hours and retighten the screws if necessary.

Status: 23.03.2022

MASTER - RING in lining pipe precast wall

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MASTER - RING in core drill hole precast wall

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MASTER - RING in lining pipe in-situ concrete

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MASTER - RING in core drill hole in-situ concrete

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