STOPPER aastal 26
Tahke plastikust tihendustopper

Artikli number 046163

STOPPER tihendid

vastupidavuse test Tulekatsetus Veesurve katse Akustiline test

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start Animatsioon
Artikli number:
610 - Stopper + Zubehör
tollitariifi number:
müügikoguse ühik:
250 Stk
kaal ühe:
Ämber = 10 kg

TPE - termoplastiline elastomeer

ca. 1,17 g/cm³

Sisese läbimõõdu puhul 26 mm


ca. 70 ± 5 Shore A

Katsesertifikaat / load:

MFPA Leipzig
PB P 5.1/17-140-1

JGS test
MPA Braunschweig
(1200/442/15c) - Pan


Et näiteks läga, vedelsõnnik, silo, metaanigaas, radoon, UV-kiirgus, osoon, bituumen


250 tükki / ämber

Sisaldab aineid, mis on loetletud SVHC loetelus või mille osakaal on ≥0,1%.:


Toode vastab REACH-määrusele:


termiline rakendusala:
umbes -35°C kuni 70°C
kuni 5 baari (50 m veesammas)
Klass "B2", vastavalt DIN 4102 osa 1.

klass "E" vastavalt DIN-EN 13501-1.
Säilitada kahjustamata ja avamata originaalpakendis kuivas kohas, eemal otsesest päikesevalgusest.
Võib kõrvaldada prügilates või põletusrajatistes vastavalt kohalikele jäätmekäitlusnormidele.

Required tooling:
Hard rubber mallet: 1500 - 2000 g
Cleaning brush for tube 21.5 - 26 mm ( Art.-Nr.: 046170)
Drive-in aid ( Art.-Nr.: 046180)

Soiled distance tubes must be thoroughly cleaned before installing the STOPPER.
The entire installation area must be properly cleaned as otherwise it will not be possible to drive in the STOPPER to its final depth.

Whether using cones or lip seals, the STOPPER in can be used as the outer closure of the distance tube.

The STOPPER in is installed by driving it in with a hard rubber
mallet (weight 1500 - 2000 g) using reasonable force.

If a lip is used, the STOPPER in must be driven in so that it is flush.

!! The STOPPERS must always be driven in at both ends of the
distance tubel!!

Whether using cones or lip seals, as the outer closure of the distance tube, the STOPPER in can be driven in until it is recessed.
Please use the drive-in aid for this purpose.
Driving in the STOPPER until it is recessed not only ensures high pressure water-tightness, it also provides a neat and attractive

When driving in the second STOPPER in on the other end of the tube, it may appear that it is not possible to drive it in completely. This is due to compressed air trapped between the two STOPPERS.
If this situation occurs, simply wait and give the air time to escape before continuing to drive in the STOPPER completely.

Status: 23.03.2022

STOPPER IN in lip in-situ concrete

DWG allalaadimine

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STOPPER IN in cone in-situ concrete

DWG allalaadimine

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