STOPPER SCREW 22-in (21.5-23 mm)
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Artikli number 046210


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Artikli number:
611 - Stopper Screw + Zubehör
tollitariifi number:
müügikoguse ühik:
100 Stk
kaal ühe:
Ämber = 3.5 kg
Kruvi / mutter / surveketas: roostevaba teras V2A
Kummitiivis: termoplastiline elastomeer
Kriips: polüoksümetüleen
Kruvi: hõbedane
Mutter: hõbedane
Surveketas: hõbedane
Tihenduskumm: must
Küüs: roheline
Kinnituskoha siseläbimõõt:

21,5 kuni 23 mm


72 mm

Sisaldab aineid, mis on loetletud SVHC loetelus või mille osakaal on ≥0,1%.:


Toode vastab REACH-määrusele:


kuni 7 baari
Säilitada kahjustamata ja avamata originaalpakendis kuivas kohas, eemal otsesest päikesevalgusest.
Võib kõrvaldada prügilates või põletusrajatistes vastavalt kohalikele jäätmekäitlusnormidele.

Scope of delivery

The STOPPER SCREW type in is delivered ready for installation in a plastic bucket (100 pcs.). Each bucket contains 4 bits, which are attached to the inside of the lid. (Type 6: 50 pcs. and 2 bits)

Installation tools
For installation you need:

- Cleaning brush
- Cordless screwdriver
- Hammer for driving in and positioning
- Torque control tool


Preparation of tie point

Clean the inside of the tie point. Remove loose particles and dust before installation of STOPPER SCREW type in.

1.  Insertion

Insert the STOPPER SCREW type in into the clean tie point to be sealed. To do this, position the claw of STOPPER SCREW type in in such a way that all 4 claw ends are inside the clearance of the tie point. With a hammer blow onto the pressure plate the claw of STOPPER SCREW type in slips into the tie point and centres itself.


2. Positioning

Push or drive the STOPPER SCREW type in into the desired position in the tie point. For a flush seal, after tightening, the untensioned STOPPER must protrude approx. 7 mm above the tie point.

Alternatively with STOPPER SCREW positioning aid

The use of the STOPPER SCREW positioning aid makes positioning much easier due to the recess on the front side.

3. Tightening

Tighten the screw of STOPPER SCREW type in with a cordless screwdriver. Use speed class 1.

Then tighten the screw of the STOPPER SCREW type in with the torque wrench to a torque of 4Nm (5Nm for conical anchor holes).
With our STOPPER SCREW torque set, this step can be done more easily.

 STOPPER SCREW type in mounted in tie point with flush seal.

Status: 14.12.2022

STOPPER SCREW IN in lip in-situ wall

DWG allalaadimine

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STOPPER SCREW IN in cone in-situ wall

DWG allalaadimine

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