FB ABS 250 EP-1000-grigio (profilo angolare)
Tipo Standard (S), dimensione E 910-1000 mm

numero di articolo 071402

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Le informazioni più importanti in un colpo d'occhio

numero di articolo:
gruppo di articoli:
218 - Fugenblech (FB) Abschalelement (S+V)
numero di tariffa doganale:
unità di imballaggio:
quantità di vendita unità:
1 Stk
peso per:
pc = 12.3 kg

© Mastertec GmbH & Co.KG

The stopend panel joint sheet metal ABS is positioned between the lower and upper reinforcement layer (foundation – foundation area) or the outer and inner reinforcement layer (wall – wall area).
The perforated plate is fastened to the reinforcement using binding wire.
The individual elements can be pushed into one another, they must overlap by at least 7 cm and the joint must be secured with two fixing clips.
With higher constructional element thicknesses, the stopend panel joint sheet metal ABS must also be stiffened in order to be structurally load-bearing.

© Mastertec GmbH &Co. KG

Before the segment is concreted, the protective foil must be removed from the joint sheet metal.
The protective foil in the section not to be concreted remains on the joint sheet metal.
Once the shuttering for the concrete segment is complete, the segment can be concreted.
The area around the stopend panel joint sheet metal ABS must be carefully waterproofed to ensure that the joint sheet metal is fully embedded in the concrete on all sides.
Cavities behind the perforated plate must be avoided.

© Mastertec GmbH & Co. KG

In the second concrete segment, as soon as the protective foil has been removed immediately before concreting, concrete can be placed directly against the stopend panel joint sheet metal ABS.
In this case, the concrete must also be carefully waterproofed in the area of the stopend panel joint sheet metal ABS.
Shrink holes or reinforcement shadow must not form around the joint sheet metal.

For thicker components, the ABS stopend panel must be reinforced on site to make it statically load-bearing.

The back anchoring and securing the position of the elements against concrete pressure is carried out at the construction site.

The distance between the "installation dimension E" reinforcement is decisive when ordering the stopend panel joint sheet metal ABS.

Status: 23.03.2022

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96173 Oberhaid

+49 (95 03) 50 470


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FB ABS 250 EP-1000-grigio (profilo angolare) FB ABS 250 EP-1000-grigio (profilo angolare)
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