Passaggi impermeabili per tubi, per manufatti a pressione

Passaggi impermeabili per tubi, per manufatti e accessori.

Passaggi impermeabili per tubi, per manufatti a pressione

Master-Home-Connect (MHC) - lead ins della casa

Sistema di connessione alla casa per i collegamenti elettrici, idrici e di comunicazione Testato secondo DVGW VP 601 (capitolo 4.5...

Collari di tenuta

I collari di tenuta sigillano in modo sicuro tubi e cavi in plastica, acciaio, cemento e argilla vetrificata contro un'elevata col...

Manicotti a parete e accessori

Tubi cavi in PVC o fibrocemento o in acciaio inossidabile per la realizzazione di tubi o condutture in una costruzione....

Sistemi di penetrazione a parete

Offriamo sistemi di penetrazione nella parete che possono essere inseriti a tenuta d'acqua nell'edificio....

Penetrazione di lastre

Offriamo penetrazioni per solette nella versione arancione-marrone come sistemi in PVC-U (KG) o come tubi in polipropilene (PP), c...


Inserti di guarnizione V2A in acciaio inox per il rivestimento di tubi e fori di carotaggio. Ne offriamo diversi tipi....


Tenuta modulare - Preassemblato - Installazione facile e veloce - Testata fino a 30 m di colonna d'acqua - Può essere retrof...

FLEX 2000

Sigillante plastico, resistente al vapore e all'acqua, per la protezione dall'acqua di condotte e cavi sotto il livello del suolo....

PILO Pozzetto della pompa

Il pozzetto della pompa PILO è un elemento prefabbricato in calcestruzzo impermeabilizzato C 35/45. E accessori...

What role do house entries play in reinforced concrete construction?

The requirements for watertight concrete structures are regulated by the corresponding DAfStb guideline (WU guideline). In addition to requirements for the concrete structure itself, requirements for joint sealing and formwork anchors or tensioning points are defined here. The subject of this guideline is the corresponding planning and execution of the structure in order to fulfil the usage properties and usage requirements specified by the client with regard to the sealing function against water.

One point that is not taken into account in the directive, but which should not be neglected for the result of a watertight structure, is the sealing of pipes and cables that are routed through the concrete component. With our various house entries, we offer the right solution for almost every installation situation, regardless of whether it's a pipe penetration, casing pipe or house entry. Sealing compound can be used for sealing if water is already entering.

What are house entries used for?

Wherever pipes or other lines are routed through concrete components, they must be sealed against the ingress of water and/or gases such as methane gas or the radioactive radon gas sometimes present in the ground.

As the pipes and cables have different material properties to the concrete and the latter shrinks as it sets, there is a risk of circulation at the intersections of pipes and cables and the concrete. Water or gases can enter the building and create a risk of damage to the structure or even to the health of the people in the building.

How are house entries installed?

Depending on the type of house entry, this is either installed in the formwork before concreting or incorporated in the area of the base to be concreted. Subsequent installation in a core drill hole is also possible using our annular space seals and link chains. A pipe penetration or other media lines can be sealed by using wall collars.

There are special requirements for use in the agricultural sector. We have our JGS wall collar (RONDO Protect) in our programme for this purpose.