MasterTube rdeč/rumen inštalacijski komplet-40 m
Pripravljen za sestavljanje, sestavljen iz:
40 m MASTERTUBE vbrizgalne cevi, vključno z montažnim materialom

številka izdelka 030052

MASTERTUBE Vbrizgalni cevni sistemi

Preizkus tlaka vode Preizkušena kakovost

Tesnjenje betonskih gradbenih stikov postavlja visoke zahteve glede tehnologije tesnjenja


Injekcijska cev MASTERTUBE zagotavlja varno in trajno tesnjenje vodoravnih in navpičnih betonskih gradbenih spojev pred tlačno in netlačno vodo

Vgradni set vsebuje:
40 m injekcijske cevi MASTERTUBE
20 pritrdilnih packerjev
300 plastičnih pritrdilnih sponk tipa B
10 cevnih priključkov
1 zvitek filamentnega traku
Dodaj na seznam obvestil

Najpomembnejše informacije na prvi pogled

številka izdelka:
skupina člankov:
301 - Injektionsschlauch Verlegeset
številka carinske tarife:
pakirna enota:
prodajna količina enota:
1 Set
teža na:
Nastavite = 8.4 kg

Vnotranja cev iz PVC
Oplašča iz monofilamentne tkanine

rot / gelb
Shranjujte v nepoškodovani in neodprti originalni embalaži na suhem mestu, stran od neposredne sončne svetlobe.
Lahko se odstrani na odlagališčih gospodinjskih odpadkov v skladu z lokalnimi predpisi o odstranjevanju odpadkov.

The product is supplied on a 100 m reel.
Bind the hose with filament tape and use a suitably sharp tool to cut the hose to the required length.
Injection circuits must not exceed 8 m in length.

After the hose has been cut to length, screw the respective connecting pieces fully into the hose (as far as they will go) - the image shows our fastening packers.

Place the hose centrally in the construction joint, within the reinforcement.
The surface of the construction joint must be clean, level and free of burrs, defects and loose particles of dirt.

The hose can be fastened in place with metal clips for nailing (manual or nail gun).
The distance between the fastening clips must not exceed 15 cm.

Alternatively, the hose can be fastened in place with plastic clips, either set in the fresh concrete or subsequently hammered into an 8 mm drill hole.
The distance between the fastening clips must not exceed 15 cm.
The hose must be in continuous contact with the concrete and must not be allowed to float.

Fixing on joints with category "rough"

On construction joints with a rough surface, fastening with a fastening grid is necessary to ensure full-surface support on the construction joint. The fixing grid is placed over the hose and fixed alternately (to the left and right of the hose) with nail plugs every 15 cm maximum.

Successive injection hose sections must overlap by at least 20 cm in order to ensure continuous injection of the joint.

All changes in direction must be implemented with a sufficiently wide bending radius in order not to damage the hose/restrict the overall injection flow.
The minimum radius is 5 cm.
The injection and ventilation ends can be kept in storage boxes, or alternatively the hose end can be attached to the formwork itself using fastening packers. The storage boxes or fastening packers must be arranged so they are easily accessible in the event of subsequent injection procedures (take high floor structures into consideration).
Once the concrete has cured, the resin can be injected via the fastening packers or the injection end pieces.

Status: 23.03.2022


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