Komplet za povezavo zatesnitvenega traku
Prehod s kovinskega vodnega zapornika na vodni zapornik

številka izdelka 070230

Dodatki za spoje pločevine

Preizkus tlaka vode

Priključek za spojni trak tesnilne folije je preprost, hiter in varen način za vodotesno povezavo tesnilne folije VB ali tesnilne folije MASTER z vertikalnim konstrukcijskim ali dilatacijskim spojnim trakom. Varjenje ali vulkaniziranje ni potrebno. Primerno za termoplastične in elastomerne vodotesne trakove

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Najpomembnejše informacije na prvi pogled

številka izdelka:
skupina člankov:
230 - Dichtblech/Fugenband-Zubehör
številka carinske tarife:
pakirna enota:
prodajna količina enota:
2 Stk
teža na:
Nastavite = 2.5 kg

Jeklene plošče: St 37, svetle
Vmesne plošče: NBR
Vijaki: pocinkani

Dolžina jeklenih plošč / vmesnih plošč:

160 mm

Široke jeklene plošče / vmesne plošče:

80 ali 140 mm

Debele jeklene plošče / vmesne plošče:

približno 3 mm / 5 mm

Poročilo o preskusu / pooblastila:

Testno poročilo
MPA Braunschweig
št.: (1201/307/18)-PAN z dne 23. oktobra 2018

Tesnost vodnega tlaka:

Do največ 2 bara (20 m vodnega stolpca)


2,50 kg / komplet


2 kosa / 1 komplet / škatla

predhodno sestavljeno

Primerni kovinski zaporniki za vodo:

Tesnilna plošča VB

MASTER tesnilna plošča

Primerni kovinski zaporniki za vodo:

2 kosa jeklene plošče, St 37, prazna, predvrtana

1 kos. Vmesna plošča, predvrtana

4 podložke

2 kosa vijakov M 10, pocinkanih

2 kosa matic M 10, pocinkanih

1 kos. Pritrdilna sponka

Shranjujte v nepoškodovani in neodprti originalni embalaži na suhem mestu, stran od neposredne sončne svetlobe.
Lahko se odstrani na odlagališčih gospodinjskih odpadkov v skladu z lokalnimi predpisi o odstranjevanju odpadkov.

Scope of delivery:
The scope of delivery of a set includes two clamping constructions for the connection of the joint tape, which have a coated connection side for bonding to the coated joint sheet metal.
For additional protection of the transition joint with the joint sheet metal, two fixing clips are included.

Connection to the joint tape:

Use the supplied pre-drilled, narrower steel plate or one of the rubber plates as a template to mark the drill holes and the contact surface of the connector on the joint tape.

Important: The joint sheet metal/joint tape connector must be at the same height as the joint sheet metal to be connected.

Within the marked area, the water barriers or edge anchors are removed with a sharp knife.
It is not necessary to remove the much finer profiling ribs.

At the marked position, holes with a diameter of 10 mm are drilled into the joint tape.

Lay the steel plates, the intermediate plates and the joint tape on top of each other as shown in the picture and the sketch below and join them together with the screws.

Important: The washers supplied must be installed between the screw head and the steel plate as well as between the nut and the steel plate.

The screws must be tightened with a torque of approx. 8-10 Nm.

When installing, make sure that the joint tape to be connected has already been concreted into the floor slab.
The joint tape must already have a horizontal water barrier in the foundation.

The joint sheet metal/joint tape connector can be used for all internal construction or expansion joint connections.

Connection of aMASTERTEC joint sheet metal to the installed joint sheet
metal/joint tape connector:

Joint sheet metal/joint tape connector mounted to the joint tape.

A water pressure-tight connection can now be made with the coated MASTERTEC joint sheet metal on the coated sides of the joint sheet metal/joint tape connector.

For this purpose, the protective foil of the coated side is completely removed.

The protective foil of the joint sheet metal to be connected must also be removed.

The joint sheet metal to be connected is now overlapped by 5 cm with the coated side (complete length) of the joint sheet metal/joint tape connector.

fixing clip must be installed to secure the joint.

The same procedure is to be carried out on the opposite side of the joint tape.

© Mastertec GmbH & Co. KG

Completely assembled connection of a MASTERTEC joint sheet metal to a joint sheet metal/joint tape connector.

!!Please also observe the installation instructions of the joint sheet metal system used !!

When using our joint sheet metal MB Overlap (mineral-coated sealing sheet), always start with an adhesive surface at the joint sheet metal/joint tape connector in order to achieve a water pressure-tight connection.

Status: 23.03.2022

Installation Situation

Prenos DWG

Prenesi PDF

Installation in Precast Wall

Prenos DWG

Prenesi PDF

Installation in in-situ concrete

Prenos DWG

Prenesi PDF

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