MASTERTUBE dzeltena (gelb)
Izmērs Ø 6/12 mm

raksta numurs 030400

MASTERTUBE Iesmidzināšanas šļūteņu sistēmas

Ūdens spiediena pārbaude

Betona konstrukciju šuvju blīvēšanai ir augstas prasības blīvēšanas tehnoloģijai.

MASTERTUBE "YELLOW" nodrošina, ka horizontālās un vertikālās betona konstrukciju šuves var droši un ilgstoši hermetizēt pret spiedes un nespiesto ūdeni. Pievienot paziņojumu sarakstam

Svarīgākā informācija īsumā

raksta numurs:
rakstu grupa:
300 - Injektionsschlauch
muitas tarifa numurs:
iepakošanas vienība:
pārdošanas daudzums vienība:
100 m
svars uz:
Rullītis = 11 kg

PVC šļūtene

Ārējais diametrs:

apmēram 12 mm

Iekšējais diametrs:

apmēram 6 mm

Izejas atveres:

Slit, ar vārsta funkciju

Lietošanas temperatūra:

depending on injection agent,
approx. + 6°C to +40°C

Testa sertifikāts / atļaujas:

Vispārējā būvvaldes testa sertifikāts (AbP)
MFPA Leipciga
Nr.: P-SAC 02 / 5.1 / 19-337

Ūdens spiediena hermētiskums:

Maks. līdz 2 bāriem (20 m ūdens kolonnā)

Piemērotas ūdens maiņas zonas:



Izmantojiet A klasi 1. un 2. slodzes klasei saskaņā ar WU vadlīnijām

1 Rullītis 100 m attālumā
Uzglabāt nebojātā un neatvērtā oriģinālajā iepakojumā sausā vietā, prom no tiešiem saules stariem.
Var apglabāt sadzīves atkritumu apglabāšanas vietās saskaņā ar vietējiem atkritumu apglabāšanas noteikumiem.

Installation of injection hose


The injection hose MASTERTUBE “YELLOW” serves as internal waterproofing of construction joints.
-The length of the hose sections must not exceed 15 m. Shorter injection hose sections facilitate later injection.
- The injection hose is installed in the centre of the construction joint or – in case of constructional elements with a thickness of > 60 cm – at a distance of 15 cm from the water-remote side of the structure.
- Ensure a distance of 8 cm from the edge on all sides.





The concrete surface which the MASTERTUBE “YELLOW” is to be installed on must be as follows:
- clean and free from cavities
- free from loose particles and cement slurry
- free from release agents or other components that are separating or interfering with the adhesive bond
- free from ice and standing water

MASTERTUBE “YELLOW” is supplied as rolls of 100 m length.
Cut the hose with a suitable cutting tool. Prior to cutting, mask the cutting section with 2 – 3 wraps of filament tape, which prevents the hose from tearing in longitudinal direction.

Fastening packers are screwed into the ends of the injection hose sections up to the thread end and fixed to the formwork surface. The position of the fastening packer should ensure permanent accessability (floor structure and Technical Building Equipment must be taken into consideration). The fastening packers have closure plugs in 2 different colours. These are used for marking of the pairs used for the individual hose sections.
Successive injection hose sections must overlap by at least 10 cm to ensure continuous injection of the joint. The distance between parallel injection hoses must be min. 5 cm. Otherwise during injection of one hose section, the adjacent hose section might accidentally be filled as well.
If the distance of 5 cm cannot be provided in any subsection, this part of one of the hoses needs to be completely wrapped with filament tape in order to prevent accidental injection.

Alternatively, you may use injection end pieces instead of the fastening packers. These are 50 cm long unslit hoses with fabric sheath. By use of hose connectors the injection end pieces are screwed into the ends of the injection hose sections up to the thread. Fixing to the formwork surface is done by use of storage boxes, which the injections end pieces are led into and stored until later injection. The connection point between injection hose and injection end piece must be surrounded on all sides by at least 10 cm of concrete.
The position of the storage box should ensure permanent accessability (floor structure and Technical Building Equipment must be taken into consideration). The injection end pieces are available in 2 different colours. These are used for marking of the pairs used for the individual hose sections.
Successive injection hose sections must overlap by at least 10 cm to ensure continuous injection of the joint. The distance between parallel injection hoses must be min. 5 cm. Otherwise during injection of one hose section, the adjacent hose section might accidentally be filled as well.
If the distance of 5 cm cannot be provided in any subsection, this part of one of the hoses needs to be completely wrapped with filament tape in order to prevent accidental injection

MASTERTUBE “YELLOW” must be fixed in such a way that it cannot shift neither before nor during concreting.  It can be fastened by using metal clips or plastic fastening clips. The distance between either type of clips must not be more than 15cm in longitudinal direction. On very uneven surfaces and at each change of direction, the distance should be halved.

Changes of direction must be carried out with a sufficient bending radius in order to avoid damage to the hose or an obstruction of the overall injection.
The radius must be minimum 5 cm.

When changing between horizontal and vertical installation direction, the injection hose must be routed right into the corner of the joint and routed upwards via a loop. The minimum radius as well as the concrete cover need to be observed.


Injection of MASTERTUBE “YELLOW” is possible once the concrete has cured, 28 days after concreting at the earliest.
During injection the DBV code of practice: “Injection hose systems and swellable linings for construction joints” must be observed.

Status: 23.03.2022


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