MASTERSTOP bentonitni trak za nabrekanje 25x20 mm
iz natrijevega bentonita

številka izdelka 010011

Bentonitna zaščita pred vodo

CE Preizkus tlaka vode
Dim:25x20 mm črna
Test gradbenega inšpektorata
Oznaka CE
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številka izdelka:
skupina člankov:
100 - Masterstop 25x20 mm
številka carinske tarife:
pakirna enota:
prodajna količina enota:
30 m
teža na:
voziček = 22.8 kg

Natrijev bentonit z vsebnostjo kavčuka

1,54 g/m³ (DIN EN ISO 1183-1)




Prerez profila:

25x20 mm


22,80 kg/karton

Sposobnost nabrekanja:

do 240 % v običajni vodi (pH 7)

do 120 % v tekočinah, ki so zelo agresivne za beton

do 220 % v alkalnih tekočinah

Vsebuje snovi s seznama SVHC ali sorazmerno maso ≥0,1 %.:


Izdelek je skladen z uredbo REACH:


Potrdilo o preskusu / pooblastilo:
Potrdilo o preizkusu splošnega gradbenega inšpektorata (abP)
MFPA Leipzig
Evropska tehnična ocena
ETA - 16/0735
z dne 13. septembra 2017
Primerne cone za menjavo vode:



Uporaba razreda A za razred obremenitve 1 in 2 v skladu s smernicami WU

toplotno področje uporabe:
približno od -30 °C do 90 °C
vodotesnost zaradi vodnega tlaka:
Preskus tesnosti do največ 8 barov (80 m vodnega stolpca)

AbP do največ 2 bara (20 m vodnega stolpca) z gladkim spojem

AbP do največ 1,6 bara (16 m vodnega stolpca) z grobim spojem
Shranjujte v nepoškodovani in neodprti originalni embalaži na suhem mestu, stran od neposredne sončne svetlobe.
Lahko se odstrani na odlagališčih ali v sežigalnicah v skladu z lokalnimi predpisi o odstranjevanju odpadkov.

Installation with swelling tape adhesive:
The substrate must be clean, dry, and free of loose particles.
Apply the swelling tape adhesive in the centre of the joint in a uniform bead (width 8-10 mm) out of the cartridge onto the surface.
The subsequent concrete covering must be at least 8 cm on all sides.

Once the swelling tape adhesive has been applied in the centre of the joint, the MASTERSTOP bentonite swelling tape is placed on the adhesive and gently pressed on, moving it slightly back and forth, crosswise to the longitudinal axis.
When the tape is fixed, the adhesive should slightly ooze out on both sides.
This guarantees a complete fixation.
Ready for use after 4 – 6 hours (depending on weather conditions)

Installation with swelling tape grid:
The substrate must be clean, dry, and free of loose particles.
Place the MASTERSTOP bentonite swelling tape in the centre of the joint.
The subsequent concrete covering should be at least 8 cm on all sides.

Position the swelling tape correctly.
Push the fixing grid firmly onto the MASTERSTOP bentonite swelling tape.
Fasten using corresponding nails and either by hand or mechanically using a bolt-firing tool.
The distance between nails must not exceed 20 cm in the longitudinal direction of the swelling tape.

Both, straight and angle joints need to be butt jointed.
The joint areas must be form-fit in order to avoid any discontinuity in the system.

In the case of butt joints in the straight line and the use of swelling tape grids, the joints of swelling tape and swelling tape grid should be offset.

Status: 23.03.2022

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MASTERSTOP in in situ concrete

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SWELLING TAPE ADHESIVE installation situation

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POWER SWELLING TAPE ADHESIVE installation situation

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SWELLING TAPE GRID installation situation

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