Tesnilna pločevina VB JGS roll - F
Popolnoma prevlečen na obeh straneh s podlago

številka izdelka 070477

Spoj pločevine VB JGS

Preizkus tlaka vode Odpornost na gnojevko/tekoča gnojila/izcedne vode iz silaže

Obojestransko v celoti prevlečeno kovinsko vodno zaporo s pritrdilno osnovo, odobreno s strani gradbenega organa
vključno z 2 spenjalnima sponkama

Dodaj na seznam obvestil

Najpomembnejše informacije na prvi pogled

številka izdelka:
skupina člankov:
220 - Dichtblech VB JGS
številka carinske tarife:
pakirna enota:
prodajna količina enota:
20 m

St 37, pocinkano
Visoko odporen premaz s posebnim temeljnim premazom, ojačan s tkanino


AbZ/ABG: Z-74.101-209

Dolžina skupnega lista:

20,00 m

Višina tesnilne plošče:

160 mm

Debelina tesnilne plošče:

Okoli 0,6 mm

Debel poseben premaz:

Okoli 0,15 mm

Skupna moč:

Okoli 0,9 mm


Karton ( 40 x 40 x 20 cm)
1 zvitek papirja
2 kosa sponk za odbojnike

toplotno področje uporabe:
- 20 °C do 90 °C
Shranjujte v nepoškodovani in neodprti originalni embalaži na suhem mestu, stran od neposredne sončne svetlobe.
Lahko se odstrani na odlagališčih gospodinjskih odpadkov v skladu z lokalnimi predpisi o odstranjevanju odpadkov.

1 Role with 20 m
2 fixing clips

Remove the bottom half of the parted protective foil from the special coating.

Place the Joint Sheet Metal VB JGS Role-F on the top reinforcement in the center of the rising wall. Use binding wire to tie the fastening foot to the reinforced layer. The emedment depth in the concrete must be at least 35 mm and must not exceed half of the sheet height (8 cm).


By bending and crimping a festenig foot to the opposite side (approx. every 50 cm) the position of the sheet can be addtionally stabilized.

In the corner area, the sheet is bent according to the course of the corner. It is advisable here to bend over a "sharp" edge.

At transition joints, the Joint Sheet Metal VB JGS Role-F must be overlapped by at least 6cm. For this purpose, the protective film is folded badk along the length of the overlap.

The overlapping surfaces are pressed together over the entire surface and secured with one of the supplied fixing clips. Ther must be no dirt on the adhesie surfaces that could impair the bonding.

The Joint Sheet Metal VB JGS Role-F must form a self-contained, defect-free circuit. The upper half of the protective film must remain on the special coating until the latest possible time. The concreting of the wall base and the corresponding preparations for this must be carried out in accordance with the recognized technical regulations.

Special requirements for installation and documentation:

- Processing certificate: The processor confirms to have been informed or instructed regarding the processing instructions, restrictions and changes.

- Acceptance certificate: The processing company and an expert confirm that the Joint Sheet Metal VB JGS Role-F has been installed in accordance with the regulations.

- Documentation: There is a documentation obligation regarding the batch number of the installed sealing sheets. This can be taken from the label or the delivery bill.

Status: 23.03.2022

installation in in-situ concrete

Prenos DWG

Prenesi PDF

corner and overlap situation

Prenos DWG

Prenesi PDF

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