Forseglingsplade 120 VB2 rulle
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artikelnummer 070464

Tætningsblik VB Rullegods

test af holdbarhed CE Test af vandtryk

Tætning af betonkonstruktionsfuger stiller høje krav til tætningsteknologien.

. Tætningspladerne, der er belagt på den ene eller begge sider, tætningspladerulle 120 VB1 eller VB2, sikrer, at betonkonstruktionsfugerne er sikkert og permanent forseglet mod pressende og ikke-pressende vand.

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213 - Dichtblech VB Rollen h = 80, 120, 240 mm
toldtariffens nummer:
salgsmængde enhed:
20 m

St 37, galvaniseret
. Speciel belægning: stofforstærket polymerplast

Længde på fugeplade:

20 m

Højde på fugeplade:

120 mm

Belægningens tykkelse:

ca. 0,15 mmm

Samlet styrke:

ca. 0,9 mm


Generelt testcertifikat fra bygningsmyndigheden (AbP)
. MFPA Leipzig

Egnede vandskiftezoner:


Svarer til:

Brugsklasse A til belastningsklasse 1 og 2 i overensstemmelse med WU-retningslinjerne

Indeholder stoffer på SVHC-listen eller forholdsmæssig vægt ≥0,1%.:


Produktet er i overensstemmelse med REACH:



Karton ( 40 x 40 x 20 cm)
. 1 stk. rulle
. 2 stk stødklemmer
30 fastgørelsesbeslag

48 kasser pr. palle

termisk anvendelsesområde:
- 20°C til 90°C
op til maks. 1,6 bar (16 m vandsøjle)
Opbevares i ubeskadiget og uåbnet originalemballage på et tørt sted væk fra direkte sollys.
Kan bortskaffes på husholdningsaffaldssteder i overensstemmelse med lokale regler for bortskaffelse af affald

Remove the bottom half of the parted protective foil from the special coating.

Place the VB joint sheet metal in the centre of the rising wall on top of the upper reinforcement layer.
Push the mounting brackets with a maximum distance of 70 cm over the sheet metal and fix them to the upper reinforcement layer with binding wire.
The embedment depth in the concrete must be at least 3 cm and must not be more than half the height of the sheet metal.

PLEASE NOTE!! The coating of the joint sheet metal VB1 must face the waterlogged side!

The VB joint sheet metal must overlap by at least 6 cm in the area of the joint, in the straight sections and also in the corner area.

To do so, the upper protective foil must be turned back in the area subsequently to be joined.

Overlap the VB joint sheet metal by at least 6 cm and press the two ends firmly together.
The joint must be glued over its full height and entire surface to prevent subsequent water permeation.
There must be no contamination on the adhesive surfaces that could interfere with bonding.

Secure the joint with one of the fixing clips provided and fold the protective foil back onto the special coating.

Prepared joints in the straight sections as well as the corner area.

Once the foundation slab has been concreted, and before the wall formwork is closed or the double wall elements have been set up, the remaining protective foil must be removed.
The concreting of the wall base and corresponding preparations must be carried out in accordance with the established technical standards.

Status: 23.03.2022

Installation in precast wall

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Installation in in-situ concrete

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